Wednesday, November 17, 2010

8tracks Playlists to Get You Through the Week

To get myself (and anyone reading this Blog) through the rest of the week as we head towards Thanksgiving and a bunch of food, friends, and awesome times, I have been listening to, which is a way to share your own playlists online. And, it totally rocks, and I thank my lovely friend Darcy for telling me about it. You can choose the genre of music you would like to listen to, and you don't have to deal with commercials to listen to cool, free music (sorry Pandora, you know I love you, but those are annoying and you know I am poor).

So, my friends, here are some of my favorite playlists, for your listening pleasure:

(Yes, I created the next two - but they ROCK :)

Now to count down the days until Thanksgiving...

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